Testimonials and Spotlights
Our Participants and their family members tell the best stories.
Meet Raymon
“I did not know if I would like it when I first came to PACE, but as I met and got to talking with people I started having a good time. I like the music, the bingo that we play, and the conversations we have. We recently had Elvis Presley day last week where we played his music and talked about all that he’s done – it was very interesting.
I’ve been doing therapy where they put me on the exercise bike. They also have me practice stepping sideways and up and down from a box to help with my balance. I think it has helped me be more stable when I walk.
I was only coming in about 2 days a week but I started coming all 5 days of the week because I like to be out and about. I just think PACE is a good place. I enjoy all of the people here. I like all of the workers and the people I get to sit and talk with. I like the people I ride the van with; I like that we all get along really well together. I am grateful for PACE.”
- Raymon Whitehead, PACE Participant Since January 2022
Meet Lewis Marie
Before PACE, I needed assistance for any task and had to use a hoyer lift for transfers. I was completely dependent on home health and my family for everything. I would go days without getting out of bed because I could not do it on my own.
Since coming into the program, I have been able to get out of bed and go places like my doctor’s appointments and the grocery store, and that has impacted my life significantly. I am now able to live independently and can get around my home on my own using a sliding board for transfers. PACE has increased my independence by helping me find safe ways to do things on my own again.
The physical and occupational therapists are continuously helping me with mobility and working with me so I can have a better sense of security in my own functioning. They have been able to help me sit up better in my chair and relieve some of the pain I was experiencing in my neck and shoulders.
I love the activities and more than anything, I love to play Bingo. I love all the people at PACE. I am so thankful to the CNAs; I don’t know what I would do without them and the therapists. I’m just thankful. Thankful for PACE.”
- Lewis Marie Nelson, PACE participant since September 2021
Meet Kathie
I can’t believe how much better Iola is doing! The PACE program is wonderful, but so are you and your team. Without your love and persistence, we would continue to be a helpless little threesome.
She very much looks forward to attending. I knew she was starved for attention from friends. Scott and I just weren’t enough physically or emotionally. She needed sooooo much more.
On her good days, she remembers her new friends — staff and clients. She feels it’s her “job” to make sure nobody is sitting alone or looks sad. She’s found purpose. And she feels a great deal of pride.
She hasn’t lost any more weight, so I’m assuming she enjoys the food, as well as the company.
But, mostly, we are grateful for what you’ve done for me and Scott by caring for Iola. Gone is the guilt over not being able to improve her quality of life. You cannot know what freedom and happiness that brings to all of us.
Thank you and thanks to your team. Please convey our heartfelt thanks to Amy and all the others who helped guide us through the process and who care for Iola every day.
We are truly blessed. You’re making an enormous difference in so many lives.
All the best,
Kathie Fulgham
Meet Gloria
All the services I receive at PACE include primary care, dental care, behavioral health therapy, day center recreation,home nurse, transportation, and pre packaged medications delivered to my home. PACE provides a Lifeline, and an occupational therapist evaluated and made small changes in my home so I am more comfortable and confident living alone. They take me to my neurology appointments, eye appointments, and other appointments tests and procedures. At the day center I enjoy crocheting blankets for hospice. I appreciate the recreational director, who provides all the yarn for the blankets I donate to others.
From one to ten I give Ascension Living Alexian PACE a twelve. PACE gives me all the TLC I need. My quality of life has improved 100% since coming to PACE. My seizures are managed, I’m living independently with PACE support, and I've made many friends. Within 6 month PACE staff and participants became my second family.
Ascension Living Alexian PACE has taken care of all my needs. Even during the Covid pandemic when we were in lockdown they continued to take care of all of my needs at home, just like when the PACE center was open, including my meals and everything.
-Gloria Shadwick, PACE Participant enrolled October 2019
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Chattanooga, TN 37404